

Easy to use parser for malicious IP scan and report through AbuseIPdb.com API

View the Project on GitHub louigigr/AbuseIP-db-scanner

Forked from https://github.com/mikebanks/AbuseIPdbSCAN

AbuseIP DB Scanner

This is a python3 script that will parse any text file containg IP addresses and return relevant threat information using the AbuseIPDB API.

New Releases

Visit the Latest Releases page to download the python version or the windows binary version of the script.

Download and use binary

alt text Important! The binary should work fine on Windows 10, in any other case you need to download Windows 10 Universal C Runtimealt text

alt text Optional: You can add the directory to your PATH environment variable or copy the script inside C:\Windows\System32\ directory in order for it to be available to you at any time while on the terminal.alt text

  • Run the script with abuseipdb
  • You will be prompted to enter your api key Please enter your abuseipdb.com API key here: 1234567
  • The key is stored in registry and you can change it at any time using the -a switch
  • To properly use the program you need to have a text file (e.g alerts.log) that contains IP addresses in any form. The file is parsed and all non-local IP addresses are extracted and deduplicated. In order to execute the script just type: abuseipdb -f {FileWithIPs} e.g. abuseipdb -f alert.log

Optional: To save to a file you can apend > {filename} after the command e.g abuseipdb -f alert.log > ThreatReport.txt

Setup and Usage with python



In order to use the script you will need an API key. The API key is stored in a file my.api in the same directory as the script. In order for the script to work make sure you edit the file my.api and enter your API Key. API key information can be found here: (https://www.abuseipdb.com/api.html)

To use type:

python3 abuseipdb.py -f file_to_parse.txt

The options are as follows:

-t      outputs items in tab seperated values (Default)

-c      outputs items in comma seperated values

-d      specifies number of days

Setup and use with PIPENV

Setup PIPENV and AbuseIP-db-scanner

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/louigigr/AbuseIP-db-scanner.git
cd AbuseIP-db-scanner
pipenv install --python 3.6
pipenv shell
pipenv install requests


To use type:

python abuseipdb.py
